Incorporating prior knowledge on model unknowns of interest is essential when dealing with ill-posed inverse problems due to the nonuniqueness of the solution and data noise. Unfortunately, it is not trivial to fully describe our priors in a convenient and analytical way. Parameterizing the unknowns with a convolutional neural network (CNN), and assuming an uninformative Gaussian prior on its weights, leads to a variational prior on the output space that favors “natural” images and excludes noisy artifacts, as long as overfitting is prevented. This is the so-called deep-prior approach. In seismic imaging, however, evaluating the forward operator is computationally expensive, and training a randomly initialized CNN becomes infeasible. We propose, instead, a weak version of deep priors, which consists of relaxing the requirement that reflectivity models must lie in the network range, and letting the unknowns deviate from the network output according to a Gaussian distribution. Finally, we jointly solve for the reflectivity model and CNN weights. The chief advantage of this approach is that the updates for the CNN weights do not involve the modeling operator, and become relatively cheap. Our synthetic numerical experiments demonstrate that the weak deep prior is more robust with respect to noise than conventional least-squares imaging approaches, with roughly twice the computational cost of reverse-time migration, which is the affordable computational budget in large-scale imaging problems.
Presentation Date: Monday, October 12, 2020
Session Start Time: 1:50 PM
Presentation Time: 3:55 PM
Location: Poster Station 7
Presentation Type: Poster
Keywords: machine learning, imaging, migration, least-squares migration, neural networks